surgical Checklist for private patients

If you are having privately funded surgery you will either be using health insurance or paying yourself.  Please ensure you understand what costs you will be liable for BEFORE you commit to a date for the procedure.  For health insured patients contact your insurer as they will be able to guide you through the process.  Remember that you and not your surgeon is the policy holder and the surgeon cannot be held responsible if you don’t understand any conditions or limits applied by your insurer.  If you are paying privately you may be asked to pay a deposit up front for any or all of the surgeon, anaesthetist, hospital or implant fees.  Once again please be aware that you are responsible for the cost of surgery.  Because of the nature of Orthopaedic Surgery usually only estimates (as opposed to a quote) are given.  This means that the actual cost may differ significantly from the estimated costs due to such things as an unexpectedly longer surgical time, a change in the implants used during surgery because of the need to cope with intra-operative findings, medical complications following surgery, etc.  For advice on the difference between estimates and quotes we suggest you read information on the Citizens Advice Bureau

Once a date is selected our staff will give you directions as to what you need to do prior to the day of the operation. You will need to fill out admission forms for CREST Hospital.  Blood tests are occasionally required and if so please ensure you do get them done when requested.  Some medications may need to be stopped before surgery (particularly anti coagulants, such as Warfarin, Clopidogrel, Aspirin ) – if you are unsure about what you need to do about your regular medications please contact our nursing staff at the rooms.  Remember that medications include the oral contraceptive pill and alternative medicinal products and/or health supplements – e.g., Garlic and Evening Primrose Oil have significant anti coagulant properties.  Certain medical conditions have to be managed in particular ways to ensure the procedure is done as safely as possible (e.g., diabetes).  You will need to remain nil by mouth for 6 hours or more before most procedures involving anything other than a local anaesthetic – this is to reduce the chance of vomiting during or immediately after your surgery which can have very serious  (sometimes fatal) consequences.

You may attend a preoperative assessment at CREST hospital.  On most occasions the anaesthetist will meet you on the day of your operation but rest assured they will have already received a lot of information about your medical state and surgery prior to the seeing you.  Occasionally the anaesthetist will meet you a few days prior to your surgery it the surgery is more complex or you have significant other medical conditions.

For information on preparing for surgery click here.  For information on what to bring to the hospital click here.

On the day of surgery “sit back and try and relax” as the more calm you can be usually the smoother things will go.  Leave the worrying to us and the other medical and nursing staff who will look after you during your procedure and stay in hospital.